About US

The Vital Center is a journal dedicated to refining and defending the liberal tradition broadly understood. Such an endeavor requires pushing past the conservative and progressive visions that so often dominate our intellectual world. Instead, we hope to publish from across the political spectrum on a variety of topics - bringing into dialogue thinkers and ideas that have not historically mixed.

Though we publish a variety of viewpoints, The Vital Center is dedicated to five broad principles:

  1. Culture, not just politics, is a vital component of sustaining liberalism.

  2. Constitutional democracy is a key aspect of human flourishing.

  3. Liberalism requires freedom in all of its forms.

  4. Prudence and moderation are a cornerstone of good government.

  5. Liberalism requires that we appreciate our duties to one another.

For more information about our mission and take a look at our Statement of Principles and Frequently Asked Questions.

Editorial Board

Advisory Council